
Brittany Dianne Reid TRAMP A55 whore WHO WILL FUK YOUR BF

This little slut b1tch brings some real shame to our military forces. This girl has admitted she really dont care you got a man SHE WILL FUK HIM. The dumb b1tch hasnt got fuked up yet and is asking to get her head knocked off. If you see this b1tch you’ll probably get DRD. This tramp a55 b1tch is so nasty she ruins mens relationships when they are away and really has no shame about it. THIS B1TCH GROSS ME OUT SO BAD IT MAKES ME SICK TO THINK THAT SOMEONE CAN slut IT UP AS MUCH AS THAT whore AND GIVE NO FUKS. Personally that b1tch needs a good jaw rockin, maybe that’ll get her to smarten the fuk up! Saw her message saying shes fine with fuking guys in relationships. If theres any b1tch that diserve to have her sh1t shoved in her face ITS BRITTANY DIANNE REID THE SKANKIEST AND MOST UNDESERVING whore WHO SHOULD BE KICKED OUT OF THE MILITARY CAUSE SHES A FUKING DISCRACE TO THE ARMED FORCES. If any females are reading this seriously be the fuk aware of this b1tch post and hate w ur friends!!!! whores like this truly make the world a sick place. Best to take the trash out.

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