
James Baldwin — Women Beater/Wantabe Ganster/Durg Deal

James Baldwin — Women Beater/Wantabe Ganster/Durg Deal. This is James Baldwin you may recognize him from panhandling on spring garden rd/quinpool with a girl.he would force his girlfriend too make money and at the end of the day he would take all her money and leave her nothing she wasn’t even allowed to get something to eat if would beat her is she spent any money without him he would hold her hostage he made her loose all her kids he would beat on her mental challenge son.he also killed there family dog because he pee in the house he smashed the dog in the head with a hammer until the dog collapsed.he tries to bully people and acted like her tuff.also he can’t date people his age her 38 and is with a 17 year old girl.he is a big time rat loves calling police.please do not trust him he is a con.

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