
Amber Lynn Rudge — Men Trapping slut

Amber Lynn Rudge — Men Trapping slut. WARNING TO ALL WINNIPEG MEN: Amber Lynn Rudge is a man trapping slut. She will sleep with ANY man who unfortunately gives her the slightest look, she’ll tell you she’s on birth control.. but then pop out ANOTHER baby. She’ll give you the excuse that “birth control pills don’t work on her and that her doctor has even said it won’t work”… That’s just a cover up for how much of a fuking moron she is, & her lies. She’s the ugliest “woman” i have unfortunately ever encountered meeting. Once she pops your kid out, forget about seeing them unless you want to fight to the wits end with her in court. This b1tch thinks she is entitled to pop out babies, sit on her fat a55 ALL DAY, collect OUR tax money because the b1tch is too fat to stand for more than an hour, & she will refuse visitations to the fathers of her THREE children. She is a no good slut, & she will use you to get more money from her cash cows (her children). Be warned, fellas. I wish I never crossed paths with this nasty a55 beached whale b1tch.

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