
Nicole Lewchuk — Meth Head Mom Nikki

Nicole Lewchuk — Meth Head Mom Nikki. She was dating a guy when I fucked her After we smoked a Bowl she was wanting to get pregnant , she had 3 abortions of his , fuked his old roommate was calling guys daddy all over the internet just a raging physco slut making Craig’s list adds fuking guys for meth thinking ppl have hidden cameras all over her property she was just pregnant a few months ago but didn’t know who it was works for the school division in Saskatoon. Nicole Sarah the only slut that steals money fuks anyone hides abortion papers and t4s with cups of meth evergwheee in the house won’t adm it she can and is just a dirty whore smoke one for me why don’t you get your sh1t together instead of treating your kids like sh1t you methhead get off social media and meth and make a life for yourself h0e.

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