
Hanna Wildy — Hanna Wildy The Local Pot Dealer

This clown a55 b1tch talks so much about other girls behind there backs its disgusting, posts about how good she is and how she and her man supposedly have their shit together, but it’s all fronts. These welfare lifers cant even clean their own house properly. This cow is the biggest pepsi head I’ve ever met, she spends 100s of dollars on it monthly and she drags her man down with it not to mention she beats the crap out of him, Nd they drink constantly obviously, look how fat and lazy they are, dirty a55 house. Shes just another little drug dealer from stoon acting like shes all that, your a sh1t talker hanna, and all you’ve ever done is drug the fuk out and talk smack about your friends. She even dissed destiny pain and who ever the last two chicks that were her friends, still sits there constantly talking sh1t. Joel’s no better either, hes just her little b1tch. All you two do is fight, learn to do your make up right stop talkin about your friends behind there backs n quit doing drugs bro, just cause you drive a sh1tty a55 car n moved outa dads dont make you shit. Quit b1tchin bout your mental health to! When all you do is drink and use drugs, she abuses her prescriptions all the time to which is scary, your just a scabby a55 b1tch with a huge a55 forehead who no one wants to be friends with, you ain’t sh1t b1tch.

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Steph Dumoulin

Jayce Carver — Executive Direct whore