
Beth Dowson — Two Faced Dirty whore

Beth Dowson — Two Faced Dirty whore. This 19 year old started sleeping with her roommate while still dating her boyfriend and told me to keep it a secret. She wines online about how she’s too skinny or how nobody invites her to do anything wines about her depression and how she feels so alone. She won’t take the time to better herself and just cries on her Facebook, she has an OnlyFans to whore around online and get money from desperate guys. Beth is literally a skeleton. Sells photos of her body to make herself feel better when in reality her pu55y stinks like rotten fish from meters away, she’s 70lbs soaking wet & she can’t help herself from making herself puke to stay thin. Let alone she is a slob, doesn’t know how to clean up & sits on her lazy a55 all day with her fake elf ears If you ever see her make sure you give a good punch to her face she needs a facial reconstruction & maybe it will knock some sense into her pea sized brain.

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