
Kendal Schiebelbein Wannabe Hells Angel Lmfao whore

Oh my Fk This wierd looking Garden Nome pepsihead actually had a child. I feel so badly for that child and everyone wittnessing this shitheads lifestyle and then actually believe she might have stopped snorting pepsi, Highly unlikely. The grossest thing about her is when Cody Schaber died she stole all his money and then pretended to remain friends with him. She admitted: while he was laying in the gutter dying she went through his pockets took his drugs and cash and left him until the ambulance came. She even felt so upset she wanted to speak to a pastor about this. Kendal no pastor can save you from the depths of Hell where you belong unless you confess what you’ve done to The right people such as the rcmp, God maybe, I dunno figure it out dlut! So far all you’ve done is confess everything to every person out there. You’ve done awful things…including beating up girls in red deer, holding them hostage, beating them up with weapons, and snort pepsi-all things you have stated. Not paying your rent, lying, shifting blame, slutting yourself out and continuously going around telling everyone you work for the Hells Angel’s is really acutely the only things you want to be doing. I’m appalled at everyone who knows you personally for letting you tell lies that your in school bettering yourself when we all actually fkn know you are a very fuvked up psychologically damaged drug addict that has and is doing pepsi, hanging out with loser drds infested gang members and flaunting your drdt vaginea lips around everywhere! Gross! The rcmp should investigate you because most of the things that comes out of your huge flapping mouth is just how you witnessed attacks like horrific attacks against drug addicts who couldnt pay including witnessing death and you just keep telling everyone but who you need to tell….that’s obstruction of justice ya dumb bitch. Kendal is ugly inside out out. Ages so evil snd distorted and everyone that’s around her is the same. You all need to come out of agreement with this tiny grotesque nasty evil gongshow kendal exprostitute father Bruce just know your daughter was put to the streets to work off a drug debt with the Hells Angel’s fitzy. That’s what kendal friends all say and what she actually was doing. Ducking sick till she paid off thousands of dollars in fort max. Kendals words: “I racked up a debt with the Hells angel guy named Fitzy in red deer and I’m scared. We know you did this n hurt people and yourself and your not ok kendal. Get some psychological help. All that death n d1ck n DRDss n drugs gross skytty butch go get some help. CPS go visit this psycho evil destroyed up ho kendal. Yeah she has a huge mouth talking about how great you are and naming actually gang members like bones Clint Werner is not smart kendal flappy lips bitch. Stop believing this shit has her things in order she DOESNT! Never did and NEVER WILL. Go fuck everyone you slyta55 whore oh wait you did that already. Oh do you still do that. Your facebook pictures are so gross looking. Ya know that movie shallow hal….the black haired girl that’s all gorgeous on the outside but when hal sees her for what she really is all sick n nasty THATS YOU KENDAL B1TCH!! That’s you and your sick evil sh1t moves. slut gross vag ewwww bro. Shut your mouth kendal. Everything now that comes out of your mouth after reading this kendal will be LIES!! LIES to cover up your huge fk up mouth, Lies to cover up your addictions, lies and lies and blame and blame. BLAME YO SELF B1TCH. You did this to you so start taking responsibility for your actions. Another thing. Your not scary, you have no power, you have nothing but demented lies and shattering truth that if the police listened your be in jail where you belong. Your sick kendal. Your daughter will be affected in every aspect of her life because of what you put yourself through all the docks you ducked of old men ruff girl go seek get some therapy. Or you can keep flapping your mouth around. The past will snatch you. Kendal your a fuvking evil.idiotic loser snd anyone to remain friends with you are all corrupted sick ducks. Athena out!! Kendal dont even bother replying to this post just go get some help for that demented fk up gongshow narcissistic attitude of yours.

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