
Cari Boulter — Toothless Cheating whore

Cari is the type of girl you never wanna ever touch one because she’s slept with most of tillsonburg and Two dosent believe in protection. she’s also known for trying to destroy her friends relationships by trying to fuk her friends boyfriends !also cheated on her common law partner,took his kids and his money and moved out and in with her new man without ever allowing the kids to meet her new man first. She once fuked a married man that she worked with for money because her common law now ex wouldn’t give her any. She also ruined a relationship with a guy and his fiancé by fuking him in his and his fiancée pool house and not to mention cheated on her now man with the same guy.If she hasent slept with you give it time she would prob be real good as a floozy on the street corner because she does it now for free and b1tches she’s broke all the time . She also should be arrested for driving around tburg without a license. She’s the type of girl that likes to portray she lives the high life but in real life belongs back at the trash hole she came out of !

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Shey Lauren — Mouth Running Cat Fish

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