
Christine Kelly — Kelly Of Chicago, Restraining Orders And Harassment Record

Christine Kelly of Kelly of Chicago is a liar who stalked and terrorized innocent women, men, and children. In January of 2020, Christine Kelly was put under a restraining order in Lake County, IL, for stalking, threatening, and terrorizing Arianna Margulis (Case No. 20OP00000058). In November of 2019, Christine Kelly was put under a restraining order for stalking, threatening, and harassing Brianne Dezzutti in L.A. County, CA (Case No. 19STRO07735). Christine Kelly was identified in a 2019 federal court case in Phoenix, AZ for impersonating an attorney and threatening a little girl. Christine Kelly‘s harassment and stalking dates back to 2016 (Lake County, IL: Case No. 16OP00001927 & Case No. 16OP00001896) when she attempted to abuse legal process to harass and intimidate her innocent victims. Each claim she filed in 2016 was dismissed with prejudice in favor of two of Christine’s victims and Christine Kelly was admonished by the Judge on the public record. Christine Kelly is a manipulative liar whose victim act is an insult to real crime victims and real survivors across the globe. Christine Kelly remains unemployed, at the age of 37, living in her parents’ home since 2012.

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