
Ladies beware of serial cheater Matthew Ayala from Whittier and La Mirada, California

Matthew Ayala is a serial cheater, has lied to multiple girls, and fucks them all raw. Ladies do yourself a favor and get yourself checked for STDs if you’ve ever had sex with Matthew Ayala from Whittier, California.
Matthew Ayala claims he has his own place when in reality he still lives in his moms house rofl. He also lies about his height claiming to be taller than 5’9 when in reality he is only 5’4. He lies about his age and tells younger girls that he is only 22 or 24 when in reality he is actually 29 years old.
Matthew Ayala frequently visits strip clubs and pays the dancers for sex. He solicits under age girls for sex and pays for escorts. He has been known to frequently harass girls to meet up with him for sex and pays for cam girls to fuck him.
Don’t fall for his tricks ladies, Matthew Ayala tries to brand himself as an “intellectual sensitive bookworm” who is “different” than most guys but it’s all a facade. Matthew Ayala is a big manipulator and does not know the meaning of loyalty. He also claims to be an RN so then why has he been in the same college ( Rio Hondo College ) for the past 10 years since 2010 ? It does not over 10 years to become a Registered Nurse rofl ask anybody.
Ladies consider yourselves warned if you decide to sleep with him! His Instagram username is mista_mathew and his work place is Oakmont Senior Living in Whittier.

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Steph Johnson — White Trash Mommy

Aidan Courtright (Antifa Scum) Fall River, Massachusetts, USA