
Emily Pedwell — Growing Beyond Expectations

Since meeting Emily Pedwell I’ve come to discover what unconditional love is really about, and what change really takes. I know Emily has had a difficult upbringing and a rough past like I did, but like me it won’t define who she will become.. a loving wife, mother, friend and a survivor of domestic violence. The amazing amount of sacrifice this woman has made to make others happy is profound. Without a doubt we all have issues, with addiction, mental health or trauma so to cast judgement on Emily for her past, denying who she’s becoming is without a doubt hypocritical and lacking of insight into why people act the way they do, what brought them to make mistakes they could learn from. She does more for her friends then she does for herself, helping them to carrying their emotional burdens and responsibilities, sometimes helping care for others children in their absence. She has taken time to reflect on the path that has brought her to her second child, and our relationship. With everything she carries I accept her unconditionally with love, and with great hopes I see so much opportunity for her future knowing how far she has come. Putting up with my complex PTSD can’t be an easy task and she’s shown me ways to move past the pain in my life for something better. Emily Pedwell is an amazing human being who has a very bright future ahead of her. No matter what happens in life, I write this truly to testify to who she really is. A strong, independent woman full of love.

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