
Brooklyn Stewardson Alcoholic whore

This dirty duck faced whore will cheat on you behind your back watch out…. She’s a sociopath and who has no conscience or remorse for her fellow human beings…. She couldn’t even quit her dirty alcohol habit while she was pregnant, now her baby girl suffers from (FAS) fetal alcohol syndrome. Sad to think that you only thought of yourself while your baby was in your stomach…. My good friend used to let her live with him they were I guess boyfriend and girlfriend at the time and he would support her alcohol habits drive her around and you know be a good boyfriend all while she was fucking other dudes behind his back…feel bad for the guy…. But hey one days karma’s gonna hit, you’ll lose your good looks within a decade, whatever nots covered by makeup Lmao ugly ass Heard court St is running low on females you can get a job there sucking dick that’s the only thing your good at lmfao

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