
Robert Batten — The Slimy Car Salesman That Doesn’t Take NO From Girls

Robert Batten is a mid 30’s sleazy car salesman. Worst of all does he also refuse to take no as a answer in sales, he also doesn’t take NO as an answer from girls, how many girls does he have to sexually assault until someone stands up to him. Not only does he not take NO as an answer he plays this boo hoo victim mentality about his fiance cheating on him to get sympathy points where he can, he somehow forgets that he was sleeping with his best friend’s Fiancee for half a year while he was with his. This slime ball will manipulate any girl in his path to feed into his own delusions, he will lie, and will make you feel bad for him then when you least expect it he will pin you down and not take NO as an answer. I cannot wait for the day someone stands against him. This slime ball doesn’t deserve an ounce of anyone’s hard earned money to feed his alcoholic behaviours and violent behaviours. His mother should be disappointed to raise a child into an older children that disrespects and takes advantage of women. Whether he is applying for your company, whether he is selling you a car, or whether you’re already talking to him please heed my warning for your best interest. I could say rude pointless things but I’m here defiling his name in order to protect everyone from even supporting this monster please do not be his next victim

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