
Marissa Macdonald — Fakest Junkie Around

This crack head is Marissa she is always talking about how people are so fake but yet she is the biggest fakest b1tch out there! She gave up her own son for drugs more then once she fuks anyone that will give her money or will throw a Crack rock at her she always stinks like she hasn’t showered in days but yet she will tell you how well she is doing… the drugs must of fuked her Brian up because she’s 30 no job no car a dirty a55 apartment a man that also has no job or anything else they are both welfare bums that sit at home nodding off from there methadome and fighting about benzos which she won’t have for very long once the doctor finds out that she gives them to her man or sells them for Crack. Marissa is the kinda dirt bag that will try and yell in someone’s face but as soon as you stand up to her she shuts right up not to long ago she was walking around with a black eye wonder why! It’s pretty bad that her own man gets embarrassed when she acts like a 15 year old child lol. Even her mom is completely embarrassed by her I actually feel bad for her mom she told me once that she couldn’t believe how selfish she is that she couldn’t believe that Marissa gave up on her son again just for drugs. She told me that she thinks Marissa might be delsounal sometimes because Marissa really believes that her lifestyle is a good one. Marissa has no shame she will steal from you she even fuked her friends boyfriend just because she could that is the kind person Marissa is. She will never change nor will she ever make something of herself because that would mean attempting she’s in the wrong. She’s a sad pathetic person that everyone laughs at. I believe in karma so everyone she hurt stole from lied to and passed her stds too will come back around. I’m just happy that her son is in a good home and away from her junkie lieing a55! Not that she cares seeing that through him away for a guy and drugs. Your a nasty disgusting pathetic goof Marissa and everyone should know before you get the chance to fuk anyone else over.

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Rob Levis

Prostitute Andrea DeLeon of Las Vegas Nevada – Energize Daily & Total Fox Fitness