
Clint Primmer — The Faithful Sinner

This is Clint. I used to work with him and had to hear everyday the stories about how he solicits people off of leo list / craigslist. This man has a loving wife but still goes behind her back to get escorts to send him nudes. He’s cheated multiple times on her, finds young ladies who need help so he can try and get with them. The worst part is how religious he preaches to be yet has no issues giving free massages to young girls as long as they get naked. Constantly brags about all the women he’s sleeping with, openly shows people the naked women he has saved on his phone all while his loving wife c00ks him dinner at home. If you’ve ever been around him I’m sure you’ve heard the lewd comments he makes while female customers stand only a few feet from him. He has no issue talking about how he would fill up their a55, or eat their a55. This man is a disgusting pig. If he adds you to social media prepare to get multiple pictures of his micropenis. The man needs to repent his sins and tell his wife what he’s doing so he can better his life and stop living in the shadow of the man he wishes he was.

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