
Vikram Vara Musthyala Murderer H1B

Vara Veera Vikram Musthyala is on H1B visa, living in United States evaded India after commuting a heinous murder.He entered United States country with fake visas, fake passports, owns Acto Pharma illegally manufactures illegal drugs, narcotics.Please do not approve his H1B visa.
Vikram Musthyala is married to Navya Vollala, there are numerous criminal cases filed against both of them and Musthyala family in India. Both needs to be deported and terminated with the H1B visa their status and then I-140 Greencard should be revoked as well. They should be deported back to India, they murdered our uncle in India & evaded police arrest!
Vikram Vara Musthyala is evading police arrest from India.An immigrant, on H1B visa.Murdered our uncle looted thousands of dollars & created fake visas, fake passports secured visa approvals & evaded India.Please deport Vikram Musthyala & his wife Navya Vollala back to India.His passport & identification is fake.He secured fake passports & moved to US.He committed henious crimes back in India.He also owns Acto Pharma in India which manufactures illegal drugs , smuggling illegal narcotics.Please deport Vikram Musthyala & Navya Vollala.Vikram Musthyala cheated & murdered our uncle in India.He is a notorious criminal.Vikram Musthyala has previously lived in Arkansas, FL etc

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