
Jacqueline Bradbury

This woman Jacqueline Bradbury preys on married men. She has ruined 2 marriages and now she is on to mine. She has several last names including Bradbury, from her first husband she cheated on. Another last name is Powers, who she ruined another married mans happy home and made them get divorced. Now she pretends her last name is Powers, and ruined my happy family. She wins guys hearts by collecting money and buying cars and houses for these guys. She works in Los Angeles for AECOM Hunt and she is also addicted to pills. I hope she gets what she deserves one day. Keep your husbands away from this devil drug addict. All she does is take pictures of her in bed with your man and send them to you to brag. Ruining 3 marriages that I know of so far

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Darren Ambler, Cheater , Cherry hill NJ, Sexual Abuse, Drug Addict, Sex Addict, Pornography, Incompetent Parent, Brain Damage, STD Carrier

Michael Elaschuk. Toronto Ontario