Machelle D Gomez is one of the most conniving snakes out there. She will lie, badmouth and cheat her way at work. She doesn’t do jack sh1t. She blames everything on coworkers when shit is going wrong. Then she tells everyone she has a fabulous life back in Gilroy California and doesn’t even need to work here in Hudson. She’s not a nurse even. She’s a medical assistant that just takes blood pressure. Well then Machelle leave the work to the 25 year old girls that have a passion for helping people. Stop smirking that ugly face in front of people. NO ONE actually buys your bullshit. She has a look in her eyes like she is jealous of everyone. No one likes her. I don’t think she even know the alphabet. lol. Randy Her husband probably loves that she’s never around because she swears she’s actually contributing something positive to society during the pandemic. Not the case! No one can even walk around her because she blocks the damn doorway!
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