This is Brittany Green the cop calling junkie wannabe hooker.. she will steal lie and call the cops on you… she will and has ratted on a couple people she does it so she can get money from the cops so don’t trust her with anything! She also trys to get money selling herself but her body is disgusting and covered in hair worse then a mans body.. who wants to pay to have sex with someone that stright up looks like a troll. The only attension she can get is from homeless men the girl has slept with every man that has stayed at the metro turning point! One guy said he was going to go down on her but her coochie was full of stinky discharge so he got up and left lol lIke you got rejected by a homeless person! She also has 3 kids that’s she abandoned because she didn’t want the responsibility of taking care of them she just wanted to be able to do drugs and sleep with men…. how she can choose drugs over her kids I don’t know I think it’s digusting! But at least now they have someone to take care of them like a real mother would do. She has it in her head that she something to look at but look at her she looks like a manly miget… I’ve never seen a girl with so much dark hair covering her face the bitch got a full blown mustache and hairy chin she’s a beast! Just do yourself a favor and don’t get involved with her and don’t fall for all her bullshit.
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