
Andrea Cunningham — Pill whore

Will use you and flirt with you as lomg as you are giving her pills or money and she will play pity parties telling you how much her boyfriend beats on her til you tell her she doesnt deserve it. She will then play pity parties about how shes gonna lose the house she lives in throw tantrems and cry if her cable gets shut off. Or how she cant provide her kid with diapers which she usually steals or will rip people off to get the money for. Even if she hasmobey it goes towards her pill addiction. Her house is disgusting rotting food in the fridge mouse turds all over the place infested with bed bugs and mice. Constantly can be found with pills running out of her nose. Thinks shes untouchable by law enforcement due to having a lawyer as a friend. Couldnt survive adulthood without mommys help.when called out will have her bf or ex bf handle her dirty business as far as breaking up with you. Also will rip anyome off or steal anything not nailed down from anyone including breaking into her mothers to steal perscription medication

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