
Debbie Diaz Boss Witch Deb

Debbie Diaz Boss Witch Deb. This Boss witch has gotten everything she owns by milking and exploiting young women. I guess she went to dental school but that was in the 1970s sweetie and I’m pretty sure NOBODY would give you a license to practice dentistry in current times. Stop lying and saying you’re a dentist. That’s another scam. What she has done her whole life for money is exploit and pimp young women 50 years younger than her. She hires young women to work in her clubs such as [REDACTED] and just like the wicked witch Ursula from under the sea Debbie Diaz sucks the life, beauty, money and soul out of young women while vicariously having her floor hosts steal money, assault, and set up the young women working for her to be arrested by police. The real criminal is Debbie Diaz who runs hooker houses and trap spot drug dens where guys go to sell their drugs. As long as Boss witch gets a cut she don’t mind. She has a couple more low end clubs in Indiana one called Wiggles the other Fantasy. That’s where the floor hosts go to jail for forcing girls into floozy. [REDACTED] in Chicago is the one where she hired a man who just did a 25 year prison bid for murder to manage. Those people stole so much money from me I lost count. Her now deceased husband who ran the clubs with her was accused of trying to have a former manager beat up. They will do the same to any young female that works for them. They won’t think twice to put their hands on one of the dancers or to let a customer fondle any women. Even if the dancer complains about it they do nothing but turn the other cheek. Some women go into that industry to strictly be exotic dancers. Club owners like Debbie ruin that by sending girls working in her club out to go visit clients and have sex in their homes. But if you ever sell a private dance room in the club the floor hosts will bring a bag of blow and condoms and expect you to bust it down for the guys. Then they take a hefty percentage of the room and make up all kinds of fines and fees as they go along to get more money from the dancers. No more nude dances with no touching DEBBIE wants that money so she will pimp out women to do anything or try to force them into it. Nobody likes Debbie Diaz. The stripping, hot & fresh nightclub business ain’t for 70 year old wrinkly old ladies. That might hurt her feelings. Well all the thousands of dollars she stole from me, having her floor hosts assaulting me, calling police on me, spreading rumors all while keeping that plastic smile fixed on her face. Hurt my feelings. Debbie and her crew violated my human rights multiple times. If youre looking for a career in dancing or bartending don’t go to [REDACTED]. When pay day comes they don’t give checks to the waitresses or bartenders either. Debbie wanted everyone to work for her for free. So now, there’s a lawsuit pending. There’s about 20 women who are claiming unpaid wages. So if you ever worked at [REDACTED] look it up online find the attorneys and contact them you will get a payout too! That’s if the wicked ocean witch Ursula/Debbie ever manages to get out of those millions and millions she’s in debt!!! Still can’t pay even when she’s getting sued in court cause she’s claiming “poverty”. Gee maybe it’s cause she CANT RUN A BUSINESS. Debbie, you should have stuck with dentistry in the 1970s!!! I’m afraid it’s too late for you to live that dentist dream now so stop with the fraud and lying, putting it on your Facebook like you practice dentistry!!! PuH-leeeze cut the crap lady! You should be baking cookies and pies for your grandkids not hustling trying to play and pimp people in the club. Say BUH BYE to the stripper world it ain’t for you! Isn’t it a shame you are in debt and have nothing to show for it either? Maybe if you had better business relationships it woulda worked out for you! Too bad, so sad. And trust me, someone can look nice and have a fake plastic smile all while doing evil stuff!! Just look at the [REDACTED]sea witch! Nobody wants to work there and the club is usually empty FOR A REASON!

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