
Lisa Bain Phony whore

Lisa Bain Phony whore. She had been talking to my finacee’ for years. They both said they were child hood friends. She was married too. Cheating on her husband and cheating with mine. Started sending me nasty messages, but still she was just a friend. She got divorced, left her kids and move out of state just to be with my man. SHE LEFT HER OWN KIDS!! Now suddenly she worried about my kid, who she will never have the honor of meeting. He takes such advantage of her, using her car, she buys groceries and cooks for him. Washes his laundy. He even stole her mac book, that he told her he lost. Yeah he still has it. Did I mention he doesnt pay a dime in child support either. But she’s concern about my kid?

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Noelle Solringen — Druggy whore

Nicolas Frachon — San Diego, California