
Skyler Arsenault – Mental Case

Skyler Arsenault – Mental Case. This chick is so messed up she gave up her kid up cause she didn’t want him and she did drugs and lied about her ex boyfriends beating her while she was pregnant and she was doing drugs while she was pregnant and almost having a miscarriage and she also likes to ruin people life and take advantage of people and when people was going to give her stuff she throws her life away for drugs and try to ruin people lives and cause a lot of trouble and she is friends of joe pimentel the children life destroyer and when she got into drugs she got her ex boyfriend messed up and him having the kid taken away and she was doing drugs after she broke up with her son dad and never once cared about her kid and never took care of him when her ex boyfriend parents are taking care of their kid she goes and lie saying their trying to kidnap him and being bad people

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